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Thursday 29 August 2013


One chapter closes, and another begins. Life is really a series of new beginnings, and as a follower of Christ, I say that when you think about it, there really isn't any end, only beginnings. Even the word "apocalypse" translated from its Greek root means "a new beginning" (see what I did there with the title?) or "the lifting of the veil". As of 6 days ago, I moved into Scott Hall at Evangel University. After 5 days of the EU Launch program, classes commenced yesterday. So far, I am thoroughly enjoying college life, despite my diminishing funds. Somebody PLEASE explain why textbooks and calculators cost hundreds of dollars?! Now, the computer I can understand, but everything else? Oh well, suffice to say, I am fully settled in and equipped for the time being. Oh wait, not quite yet, still need to change my bowstrings and find a convenient place to shoot. But other than that,  good food, a moderate schedule, and easy gym is good.

I must say how refreshing it is to be in a school environment that puts God before all other things. Most classes open with prayer, and there are multiple chapel services and ministry opportunities offered every week. In the words of the school, "Boldly Christian, Unquestionably Academic". Its so good to be working in the company of people who share my faith, all for a relatively common goal. This is how schools should function. Funny how bad things started happening in schools (think school shootings) once prayer and faith was taken out of them. I love being in a place where my faith can grow, rather than being in a place where I am forced either to defend it or conform on a daily basis.

Hunting season is rapidly approaching, bow season beginning on September 15. As I said, I have not yet found a place to shoot, or change my bowstrings...a technicality that will soon be remedied. But I am making progress, I've already connected with several other bow hunters on campus, including a professor. Labor Day gives us a 3 day weekend, which I plan to use to find a place that will allow me to do that, as well as go scout out the public access locations that I mapped out yesterday...Google Earth is my friend. The next objective will be purchasing a hunting license. While I am not an official resident of Missouri, since I am a student living on campus in Missouri, I am able to purchase a resident license at my local conservation office, which saves me around $200 in non-resident fees. Hey, that's a lot of money for a college kid!

Back to The Harbinger, its still coming. Don't get your undies in a wad. I did finish it, and it was riveting to the end. What I'm probably going to have to do is bite the bullet and get a copy for myself so I can refer to the book while I write. Don't worry, it is coming! Teaser alert: want to know the secret of the 2008 stock market crash? Coming soon...

May your aim stay true.

Thursday 1 August 2013


Time does not wait for us. It passes at its own pace whether we want it to or not. I chose this subject because today is the one-year anniversary of the killing of my warthog (refer to "A Morning in the Bush"). So much has happened in this last year...moving across an ocean is always a speed-bump, even if it is just coming home. Graduating high school, a milestone. My days of regular school are over. I am soon transitioning into the world of college. In just 22 days, I will be moving into my dorm room at Evangel University. So much has yet to happen in that time. I still have loans to secure, a job to finish (and one to secure), yet more paperwork to fill out, and lets not forget furnishings for my dorm room. Trying as this period may be, all these things will happen in good time.

This being the one year anniversary of my hunt, it occurred now might be a good time to reveal the finished product of the warthog. It turned out amazing. My unofficial measurement shows that it qualifies for the Roland Ward Record Book. I could not be happier with my hog, and he tasted great too! For now, the mount will remain in Africa until such a time as we acquire the proper permits and ship my trophies home.

So, the Iowa Games. My first real archery tournament. I'll cut right to the chase, I'm proud to announce I placed 4th. Of course, the fact that there were exactly 4 archers in my division is entirely inconsequential. Am I disappointed? Absolutely not. My goals were to have fun, not miss, and get some much-needed experience. All three goals were accomplished, the weekend was a success, despite the hiccups experienced with my bow. The strings shipped to me by the manufacturer turned out to be of the wrong lengths. Unable to continue shooting my current strings, we instead opted to strip down my bow, and place all my equipment on my dad's bow, which happens to be the same make and model. After a night of sighting in and selecting arrows, I was finally set to go on just 3 days of practice. Despite this, on the 10 point target, my lowest scoring arrow for the weekend was a 2. My final score was 958/1200 (day 1: 471/600, day 2: 487/600), yielding 80% average accuracy. Not too bad for my first time out. There's always next time to do better, and I enjoyed the experience. Now I know for a fact, this is something I will always pursue in my future, professionally. My next goal is to get the proper string set for my bow so I can get tuned up and ready for my first Missouri deer season starting on September 15th. Sorting out the details may be tricky, but I promise you, I WILL find a way.

Looking ahead, in the very near future, I will be doing either a post or a series of posts on a book we have had recommended to us, and recently acquired. It is called The Harbinger. I will explain more soon, as I am still less than half way through it, but it is a warning/prophecy written in story-format of the 9 Harbingers that warn of God's coming judgment of America if repentance does not come. All 9 surfaced before the fall of Israel around 732 BC, and all 9 have already manifested in America within the last 15 years. Here's your hint: 9/11. The key: Isaiah 9:10. I won't say anymore, except that this book is riveting so far, and that the prophecies have been dead on. I hope I have aroused your curiosity.

So, until next time, may your arrows fly straight.