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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

9/11...The First Harbinger, The Breach

Today is 9/11/2013, the 12th anniversary of the cowardly terrorist attacks that shook our nation, and sent waves around the world. We will never forget the 3000 Americans who were killed in this tragedy, may they rest in peace.

I didn’t mean to wait this long to write this blog series, but my timing has worked out. This series will be based on a book called The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, a pastor with an international ministry and a reputation for shedding light on the Bible and ancient prophecies. I strongly recommend purchasing this book ($9.00 on Amazon) if you too are concerned about the path America is on. I will do the best I can to summarize it here.

9/11 was much more than the terrorist attack it seems at face value. There is much more to it than meets the eye. This is not the first time an event like this has happened in history. Another nation has been down the same path America is walking now. 9/11 was a terrible tragedy, but in the aftermath rests a warning of what is to come. God is telling America to repent, before it is too late. I’m not saying God caused 9/11, I am saying that America is no longer under God’s protection. The nation has turned away from God, denying the foundation the USA was built on. No longer is prayer heard in any classroom. No longer is any public reference to God accepted. And so God no longer has a reason to shelter America as His nation. So come the Harbingers of warning.

There are 9 harbingers that warn of coming judgment if the nation refuses to repent. All 9 were manifested before the destruction of the nation of Israel. All 9 have surfaced in America within the last 12 years. These are the warnings of a loving God who does not wish to exact judgment on a rebelling nation, but will do as He must. He cannot let evil endure.

In order to shed light on this secret, we must go back...3000 years. Ancient Israel, 1000 B.C., the original nation under God. Israel prospered, guided by the Almighty. But slowly, the nation became corrupt. Gradually, they pushed God away. And so God sent prophets, warning them of the calamity to come if they did not turn back; Elijah, Elisha, Hosea, Amos and more. All pleaded and begged the people to return to God, to repent. They were brushed aside by the majority, branded as troublemakers and enemies of the state. Few listened. Israel continued its fall from grace. 732 B.C. The alarm is sounded, the first harbinger of judgment comes. The first harbinger is The Breach. The hedge of protection surrounding the nation is lifted. The walls of Israel were breached. No military force could have prevented it, no extraordinary leadership could have averted it. Evil men were allowed free reign. Israel was invaded, and shaken to its foundations by its enemies. The Assyrians, a rising nation and already a formidable military force, attacked the capital city of Samaria and eventually captured it. The city was plundered, many of the people taken into exile, leaving a remnant behind. What followed would decide the nation’s fate.

The First Harbinger came to pass in America on September 11, 2001. God’s hedge of protection around America was lifted. Through the Breach flew four planes hijacked by terrorists. Two were flown into the twin towers, which soon collapsed, killing thousands. One flew into the Pentagon, and another crashed in a Pennsylvania field after a heroic effort by the passengers to overwhelm the hijackers. On this day of calamity, God watched and waited in sorrow. Jesus was in the stairwells of the towers, was with the rescuers and the victims. In every place shaken, I promise you He was there. Some cursed Him and died, some ignored Him; some turned to Him and found peace. Some used the tragedy to reject Him, asking how a loving God could ever let this evil to happen. I ask, what did we expect? That we could shun Him at every corner and have Him continue to bless our nation? No, we deserved this, and something worse is coming if we ignore the warnings that have been sent.
So came the first harbinger. Eight more remain, and have already passed. I will explain them more in the next few days as I continue this series. If you wish to learn more now, I would suggest reading and thinking on Isaiah chapter 9. It is the key to the whole prophecy. America is following in the footsteps of ancient Israel. The downfall of Israel was predicted, and so is the downfall of America if we refuse to repent. The Bible has given us our warning, it is up to us to heed it or ignore it.
I am writing this to spread the warning. I feel it is my duty to use all means necessary to do so. America is a sleeping nation that desperately needs to wake up and avert the coming disaster. I can only hope and pray the warning will be heeded.
Until next time, may your arrows fly straight.

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