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Monday, 5 November 2012

Election Day 2012

Tomorrow is November 6, 2012. Election day. Possibly the most pivotal election in the history of America. Tomorrow, it will be decided whether America will continue to spiral downwards or have the opportunity to rise again. As the final hours of campaigning wind down, I'm sure everyone has pretty much figured out who they will vote for, and some have even voted already. Though I am not quite old enough to vote (I don't turn 18 until January, grrr), there is a clear choice for the next President of the United States. His name is Mitt Romney.

Over the past 4 years, all the fears I had about Obama's Presidency have come true, with interest. I daily wonder how anyone can still have even the slightest positive opinion about this man, and his clown of a Vice President. While I have not been home in almost 3 years now, it has not been pleasant to watch from a distance while America withers from the inside out. Gas prices have gone up, unemployment has almost doubled, grocery prices have skyrocketed, and the national debt has increased by $6,000,000,000,000 (TRILLION). And still, our President continues to tout that all of this is a sign of economic recovery. What I can't believe is that President Obama believes such outrageous claims, and even more, there are few people who call him on it. Thank God, many of the promises Obama made 4 years ago have not come true, but look where we are. The passing of Obamacare has set us on the road to socialised medicine, many of our allies around the world have been snubbed and offended in numerous ways, and our enemies continue to strengthen while Obama ignores these issues and tells us to relax. Like it or not Mr. President, Al Qaeda is most certainly not dead, and is not on the run! Iran continues its nuclear program unchecked. Obama's 2012 campaign slogan is very appropriate for what is happening. America is moving "forward" off a cliff! It is clear that we need new leadership if we want the USA to survive.

Now on the business of Obamacare, if you look at it closely, it is a tax on the American people, and in the fine print, guess who the list of exceptions includes: government officials, those who can't afford it themselves, and Muslims (whose religion does not allow health insurance). In short, this means that the hardworking taxpayers of America will be paying for each of these people, every time they have a medical situation. Take a broader look at Obamacare as a whole, and it becomes clear that it is well within the boundaries of socialised medicine. Ladies and gentlemen, I have seen socialised medicine, it is not pretty. In the city of Francistown, we have one hospital called Nyangabwe. Each day at Nyangabwe, there are hundreds of visitors. In the emergency room, there is one order: first come, first serve. No matter if you are bleeding out in the waiting room, if a guy with a headache came in first, you will just have to wait. You might see a doctor after an hour on an extremely good day. If you wish to donate blood for a specific person (for example, a relative or friend), that is not allowed, your blood will be used for whoever is waiting in line. If you need to schedule an appointment with a specific doctor, you must wait for hours to be checked in, then wait for several more hours to make an appointment, which is normally at least 3 months down the line. Even with an appointment, there is no guarantee you will get to see your doctor. The government doctors themselves are usually arrogant and think they know everything they need to know. Just one morgue in this city picks up over 30 bodies in an average day. This is socialised medicine. Is this where you want our healthcare system to go? Welcome to Obamacare.

My final point is for our armed forces. We have been the world's strongest fighting force ever since we sent the redcoats packing back to England back around 1780, and we should always be proud of that, but under Obama's administration, the United States military has dwindled, and under proposed budget cuts, will be weakened even more in years to come. It is clear that Obama has very little respect for our armed forces, and has apologised profusely to just about every country we have ever had troops in. The icing on the cake was the President's handling of the 9/11 Benghazi embassy attack, or lack thereof. Obama was not oblivious to what was occurring, and in fact may have watched live drone feeds of the attack while 4 Americans were killed, 2 in the line of duty who ignored orders to stand down and held off the enemy for hours. In the weeks leading up to the attacks, Obama ignored multiple warnings and requests for additional security from both the embassy and the CIA. The US Marines stationed there were ordered to keep their weapons unloaded to avoid increasing tension. Finally, the majority of Obama's administration, possibly even the President himself, watched live feeds as 2 former Navy SEALS, the Ambassador, and the ambassador's aide were killed, and did nothing for the entire duration of the 9 hour attacks. There were 2 Air Force bases less than 1 hour away with AC-130 gunships on deck, ready to intervene. The SEALS had lit up the targets with laser designators. Marines were stationed even closer. We were more than capable of taking action. Still, the Obama administration did nothing. The outcome of these attacks could have been very different, but no, Obama did not wish to risk the outcome of the election by taking action. Finally, Obama (and our Secretary of State) lied to us about what happened, blaming his misinformation on the "fog of war", and saying this was a "spontaneous demonstration". We have evidence that Obama knew within hours that this attack was pre-meditated, even had warnings beforehand, but still lied to America. This man no longer deserves our trust or our loyalty, and may not have in the first place. Bottom line, the President knew what was happening, and did nothing. People died, Obama lied.

I could go on to say that it is clear that Obama has become increasingly arrogant and obviously desperate in his campaign, slandering the opposition, slinging mud at Romney and degrading himself. I could say that Joe Biden is a joke of a Vice President, even more arrogant than Obama, and can't even keep track of which state he is in. I could even say that new democrat-sponsored ads threaten riots and violence if Romney is victorious over Obama, which Obama should be condemning, but is instead remaining silent (are these really the people you want running the country!?!?!?). But I won't, because if I did, this post would become even longer than it already is, and we might be here all day. I will conclude by saying one more thing, who better to lead an economic recovery than a successful businessman who doesn't need the money from being in office, but only wants what is best for America? And who better to help us get back to our moral base than a man who at least has a strong moral background? Romney and I may not agree on the theology, but he is a fine, upstanding, moral man.

God bless the USA, and happy voting!

-(I know it has been 2 months since my last post, I'll try not to do that again. My lame excuse: been really busy with exams. My bad. In light of this, I figure the extra length of this post is forgivable as is encompasses many things I could have said several weeks ago.)